
Learning Hebrew in Israel

For new immigrants, studying Hebrew in an Ulpan is an important part of absorbing in Israel. Ulpan Alef provides intensive Hebrew instruction for beginners. The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration assists with funding studies. Language skills facilitate adaptation to life in Israel.

Hello dear friends!

I'm so happy that you have made Aliyah to Israel. Welcome! This is an exciting time full of new challenges. You will need to adjust to many things – housing, work, studies, making new friends, and more.

One of the main challenges is learning Hebrew. Proficiency in the language is crucial for successful adaptation and integration into Israeli society. It will help you in all areas of life – finding an apartment, job, friends, handling bank affairs, Bituach Leumi, and so on.

Therefore, I strongly recommend registering for an Ulpan as soon as possible. Ulpan Alef is the best place to start learning Hebrew from scratch. The teachers there specialize in teaching immigrants.

At Ulpan Alef you will learn reading, writing, speaking and comprehension skills. The emphasis is on vocabulary, grammar, and conversation. The course lasts about 5 months and takes place 5 days a week.

Not to worry about costs – the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration subsidizes Ulpan tuition fees for new immigrants within the first 18 months. You can also receive reimbursement for transportation and a subsistence allowance during the study period.

In addition to Ulpan classes, it is highly beneficial to speak Hebrew as much as possible in daily life, read newspapers, books, and websites in Hebrew, and watch TV and movies in Hebrew. Any extra practice helps you progress in the language.

There are also options to continue Hebrew studies after finishing Ulpan Alef, such as Ulpan Bet for advanced students, university courses, or private Ulpan. The Ministry provides vouchers to partially cover the costs of further study.

If you have any additional questions about Ulpanim or need help finding a suitable program, I am here to assist.

Wishing you great success in learning Hebrew and absorbing in our beautiful country! I am happy to help along the way.

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