
What is the Absorption Basket

The Absorption Basket is financial assistance provided to new immigrants in Israel during their first 6 months in the country, to help them with initial arrangements and living expenses. The assistance is provided by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, and includes a first part-cash and part-bank transfer payment, plus 5 additional monthly payments. The amount of assistance varies according to family characteristics. The Absorption Basket is meant to aid new immigrants during their initial and challenging absorption period in Israel.


Let me explain in great detail about the Absorption Basket:

  • The Absorption Basket is provided to new immigrants in their first 6 months in Israel, to assist with initial expenses and financial acclimatization.
  • The assistance is provided by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. The ministry is responsible for immigration and absorption of immigrants in Israel.
  • Eligibility for the Absorption Basket: A new immigrant who has received official "new immigrant" status from the state, and did not reside in Israel for more than 24 cumulative months in the 3 years prior to receiving this status.
  • The amount of assistance varies according to family status: individuals, couples, families, single parent. Also by age – retirees receive less.
  • There is an additional cash supplement for each child, according to their age (0-4, 4-18, 18-21).
  • In addition, families with 6 members or more receive a supplement.
  • The first payment is partially in cash at Ben Gurion airport and partially by transfer to the Israeli bank account.
  • The remaining payments are monthly transfers to the same bank account.
  • It's important to open an Israeli bank account in the first few days in order to receive payments.
  • After 6 months, eligibility for additional "Assured Income" from the ministry in the first year can be checked.

I'm happy to answer any additional questions! Wishing you success in your absorption in Israel.

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